

In 1987 MASBO adopted the concept of a voluntary program for certifying competency of school district clerks and business managers through a prescribed course of study and in depth training. This voluntary program was endorsed and supported by the Directors of the Montana School Board Association in March 1988.



Coursework Log

The following certificates may be earned under this program:


The applicant must be employed as a district clerk and/or business manager and attend a curriculum of coursework related to their position.  No test is required for the Standard Certificate.  This certificate requires 120 hours of continuing education credits for an initial or renewal certificate.  Eligible hours will be honored from the 4 years prior to the application/renewal form deadline. 


Professional certificates include Professional Level I, Professional Level II, Professional Level III, and Montana Certified School Business Official (MCSBO).


An applicant must 1) attend and complete 120 hours of curriculum of coursework related to the position of district clerk/business manager, 2) within a 3 year period achieve at least a 70% on 3 tests designed to show proficiency in the subject areas of testing, and 3) complete 120 hours of additional coursework.  The applicant must maintain current active membership status during the testing process.


While in testing process, a member may receive a Professional Level certificate.  Professional Level I is awarded after passing the first of any of the three tests.  Professional Level II is awarded after passing two of any of the three tests.  Professional Level III is awarded after passing all three tests.  A grade of 70% or higher must be achieved to pass each test.  Tests can be taken in any order.  The subject certification areas of each test are as follows:

Testing Subject Areas

Test 1- Testing will be in the following subject areas: A, B, C, D
Test 2- Testing will be in the following subject areas: E, F, G, H, I,
Test 3- Testing will be in the following subject areas: J, K, L, M, N, O


Subject Areas

A. Board Minutes/Meetings               
B. Elections                                     
C. Payroll   
D. Pupil Transportation
E. School Finance                                           
F. Personnel Management                
G. Student Activity Accounting                           
H. Purchasing/Supplies Management
I.  Food Service
J. School Law
K. Risk Management
L. Records Management
M. Facilities Management
N. Ethics
O. Bonds and Bond Elections

MCSBO Process & Information Presentation June 2021

MCSBO Test 1 Study Guide
MCSBO Test 2 Study Guide
MCSBO Test 3 Study Guide


2047 N Last Chance Gulch #437 | Helena, MT 59601
2025 Montana Association of School Business Officials | All Rights Reserved.