History & Bylaws



The professionals of the Montana Association of School Business Officials (MASBO) have dedicated themselves to improving efficiency in the specialized field of school business management within the profession of education.
MASBO was formed in 1968 by a small group of school business professionals.  The Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) sponsored MASBO for the purpose of standardizing school accounting and providing its members and other interested school business officials and administrators with practical knowledge and new techniques in all areas of school business administration.

As the organization grew throughout the years, MASBO broadened its educational programs to provide in-depth study in particular topics designed to help school business officials acquire specific skills needed in their work to meet the complex challenges of modern school business management.

In 1987, MASBO adopted the concept of a voluntary program for certifying the competency of school district clerks and business managers through a prescribed course of study and in-service training.




            The Montana Association of School Business Officials is dedicated to improving efficiency in the
            specialized field of school business management within the profession of education. 

             In 1968, the Montana School Boards Association sponsored the Montana Association of School
            Business Officials for the purpose of standardizing school accounting and providing its
            members and other interested school business officials and administrators with practical
            knowledge and new techniques in all areas of school business administration.

            As the needs in business management increased, MASBO broadened its educational programs to
            provide in-depth study in particular topics designed to help school business officials acquire specific
            skills needed in their work to meet the complex challenges of modern school business management.

            Conferences, workshops and seminars serve as vehicles for dissemination of pertinent information to
             MASBO members.

            In 1987 MASBO adopted the concept of a voluntary program for certifying the competency of school
            district clerks and business managers through a prescribed course of study and in-service training. 
           This voluntary program was endorsed and supported by the Directors of the Montana School Boards
            Association in March, 1988.

            Revised 10/1991, 06/1996, 03/2008, 06/2012



SECTION 1.  NAME.  The name of this organization shall be the Montana Association of School Business Officials, incorporated with the Montana Secretary of State.

SECTION 2.  EMBLEM.  The Board of Directors of the Association shall regulate the use of the Association logo.

SECTION 3.  AFFILIATION.  This Association shall be the organization in Montana affiliated with the Association of School Business Officials International.

SECTION 4.  FISCAL YEAR.  The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of July and end on the last day of June in each year.

SECTION 5.  AUDIT/FINANCIAL REVIEW AND FINANCIAL REPORTS.  The Executive Director shall render such financial reports as may be directed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint a certified public accountant to perform a financial review of the financial records of the Association each fiscal year.

SECTION 6.  PURPOSE.  The purpose for which the Association is organized is to engage exclusively as an organization to advance educational, scientific and charitable endeavors within the meaning of 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, under the umbrella of the International Association of School Business Officials.

SECTION 7.  POLITICAL ACTIVITIES. This Association has been organized to serve its membership and to improve the overall quality in education through sound business management practices.  To better serve public education in Montana the Association has declared itself politically nonpartisan and as such will not endorse political candidates.  However, the Association does not preclude itself from offering expertise, research or active participation on a political issue which involves school business management. (1993) (1996)

Membership in the organization shall consist of active, associate, vendor, emeritus, life and honorary members.  Only active members shall have the right to vote and hold office.  The MASBO Board of Directors shall establish the benefits of each membership category and dues structure as in Article VIII Section 2.

School employees directly connected with business administration of schools in the State of Montana.  (1995)  In the event of an active members’ termination of employment, the active membership is transferable to the active members’ replacement for the remainder of the year.

School trustees and school district employees not directly connected with business administration of schools in the state of Montana.  Faculty members of the various schools of education in the greater university system of the State of Montana who are particularly interested in the business administration of Montana public schools.

 Officials and employees of the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and County Superintendents of Schools and County  Treasurers who are particularly involved with the business administration of schools. (1995)  Students who are actively engaged in graduate studies in the field of school business administration.

Individuals and/or organizations actively engaged in supplying school district needs or rendering professional services to school districts. (1991)

An Emeritus member shall have been an Active or Life Member at the time of retirement from the field of school business management and not currently employed in any area of school management or related endeavors.

A Life Member shall be one who has served as an active member for a minimum of ten (10) years, and who at the time of application is actively employed in the field of school business administration.  A Past President of MASBO, upon retirement from active employment, shall be awarded a Life Membership and not pay membership dues thereafter.  (1989)  Life memberships are non-transferable. (1991)

Honorary Membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors to any former officer of this Association and to such other persons who, by their act or position, have shown an outstanding interest in this Association and have contributed to its betterment.  Honorary Life Membership for outstanding service may be conferred by action of the Board of Directors.

             Members shall be admitted in the Association upon:
             Meeting the qualifications stated in Article II, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
             Payment of dues as prescribed by Article VIII, Sections 1 and 2.


          SECTION 1.  THE OFFICERS of this Association shall be:

  1.   a President who shall serve a two-year term and shall automatically succeed to the office of past-president.(2012)

  2.   a Vice-President, elected at large who shall serve a two-year term (2012), and shall automatically succeed to the office of President. (1991) (2012)

  3.   a Past-President, who shall serve a two-year term. (2012)

  4.   a Fiscal Agent appointed by the Board annually. The fiscal agent shall be a current or past board member. (2019)

  5.  an Executive Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall be authorized to administer all policies as prescribed by the Board of Directors. The   Executive Director shall not have voting privileges. (1985) (1992) (2012)

  6.  the above officers shall constitute the Executive Board. (1996)

         SECTION 2.  THE DUTIES of the Officers shall be:

  1.   The President shall be the executive officer of the Association and shall preside over all meetings.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President.

  2.   The Vice-President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in his or her absence and shall assume all other duties that usually pertain to that    office or may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. (2012)

  3.   The Past-President shall advise the officers, install incoming officers and perform such duties as assigned by the president.  In the absence of the immediate past president, any past president may assume the duties. (1996)

  4.   The Fiscal Agent shall oversee association financial activities and shall report those activities to the Board. (2012)

  5.  The Executive Director shall:

    1. attend all meetings of the Board and keep a record of all proceedings of the Board.

    2. collect all monies due the Association and deposit the same in the official depository of the Association.  All claims paid during the interim shall be certified to the Board of Directors at each Board meeting.

    3. keep an accurate accounting of all revenue and expenditures of the Association and make an annual report to the membership.

    4. keep the records of membership and certification.

    5. perform the usual duties in assisting MASBO officers direct the affairs and services of the Association, and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.

    6. maintain a complete, accurate Association history and maintain a complete record of policies and procedures adopted by the Association.   The Executive Director shall transmit such history and records to the successor in office.


 SECTION 1.  THE MEMBERSHIP of the Board of Directors shall include:

  1.      at least one member from a first class school district, and at least one member from a second class
         district.  In the event no candidate is offered from a classification of districts, an additional
         director(s) will be appointed at large by the Board from the class not represented.

  2.     the board appointed Association representative to any programs sponsored by the Association.

SECTION 2.  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Fiscal Agent (2012), the Past President (2012), and one Director from each of the six geographical areas outlined as follows
Region 1 - consisting of the following counties:  Lincoln, Flathead, Sanders, Lake, Mineral, Missoula, Granite and Ravalli.
Region 2 - consisting of the following counties:  Glacier, Toole, Pondera, Teton, Chouteau, Cascade, Judith Basin, Liberty, Hill and Blaine.  (1992)
Region 3 - consisting of the following counties:  Phillips, Valley, Daniels, Sheridan, Richland, (2005) and Roosevelt 
Region 4 - consisting of the following counties:  Lewis and Clark, Deer Lodge, Powell, Silver Bow, Jefferson, Meagher, Gallatin, Beaverhead, Madison, Broadwater and Park.
Region 5 - consisting of the following counties:  Fergus, Petroleum, Wheatland, Golden Valley, Musselshell, Sweet Grass, Stillwater, Yellowstone, Carbon and Big Horn.
Region 6 - consisting of the following counties:  Garfield, McCone, Dawson, Prairie, Wibaux, Treasure, Custer, Fallon, Powder River, Carter and Rosebud.

SECTION 3.  A QUORUM.  Five members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 4.  DIRECTORS TERM OF OFFICE.  All terms for the Regional Directors shall be for three (3) years with two directors being elected each year.  No Director shall be elected for more than two consecutive three-year terms. (2012)  The term of office upon election shall begin July 1. (1989)

SECTION 5.  REGIONAL DIRECTORS DUTIES shall be to promote membership in the Association, hold a minimum of one regional workshop, recommend resource persons for the annual conference, workshops, and new members.  Directors shall keep members current on new procedures in the field of school business management.

SECTION 6. EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors may appoint non-voting Ex-officio Directors who are MASBO members who serve at the pleasure of the board.

             The term of office upon appointment shall begin July 1. 

SECTION 7.  POLICIES AND ACTIVITIES.  The Board of Directors shall determine policies and activities of the Association, act on membership status, determine dues, approve budgets and expenditures, approve all levels of certification and provide general management of the Association.

SECTION 8.  POWER TO ACT.  The Board of Directors shall be vested with the power to act in the name of the Association between annual conferences on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the organization and its members.  The Board of Directors shall be responsible for developing and maintaining a long-range coordinated program of activities to be undertaken by the Association.  This program shall serve as a guide to all committees as to the areas in which they are to operate and the extent of their operations within any given period of time.

SECTION 9.  BOARD MEETINGS.   Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be at the call of the president at least four times annually.  Regular scheduled meetings will be held at summer conference, MCEL, and at two other times. (2012)

A special meeting may be called by the president or at the request of at least three (3) members of the Board.  Such request must be in writing at least three (3) days prior to the date of the meeting and be directed to the President. 

Members of the Board may participate in any meeting by pre-arranged conference call.  Conference calls or email initiated by the President may also be used by the Board of Directors to confer and vote upon an issue of special or emergency matters, provided a quorum (5) of Directors approve the process in lieu of a Board meeting.  


SECTION 1.  APPOINTMENT.  There shall be, appointed by the President, those committees deemed necessary to conduct the affairs of the Association.

SECTION 2.  DUTIES.  It shall be the duty of each committee appointed to perform the duties and to provide a report as prescribed by the President.  Committee chairs are encouraged to attend MCEL to meet and report to the Board on committee progress.  (1996)


SECTION 1.  ANNUAL CONFERENCE.  There shall be an annual summer conference of the Association at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  (1996)

SECTION 2.  ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING.  The annual corporation meeting will be held at a designated time and place during the annual summer conference.  Officers shall be installed at this conference.  (1996)

SECTION 3.  FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (MCEL)  The Board of Directors, including newly elected officers and directors shall meet and confer with committee chairs and/or their designees. 

SECTION 4.  SPECIAL CONFERENCES.  The Board of Directors shall be vested with the power to call special conferences of the Association and to designate the date, time and place of any such conference, together with the reason for calling such a special conference.

SECTION 5.  ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS.  It shall be the duty of the President and the Executive Director to submit annual reports at the summer conference and made available to the membership.  (1996) (2012)


SECTION 1.  NOMINATIONS.  The Executive Board/nominating committee may submit a name or names in addition to receiving names from the floor for the office of Vice President.  Elections shall be held during the annual corporate meeting of the Association.  (1996) (2012)

SECTION 1a REGIONAL ELECTIONS.  Regional director elections shall be held at the regional workshops. (2012)

SECTION 2.  VOTING ELIGIBILITY.  The right to vote, hold office, or to have a voice in the discussion on the floor of the meeting shall be limited to members whose dues are currently paid.  The privilege of the floor may be extended to any other person who is not a member of the Association.

SECTION 3.  VACANCY.  In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice- President shall succeed to that office.  All other vacancies shall be filled by election and/or appointment for the unexpired terms except that interim appointments may be made by the Board of Directors to serve until the next election.  (1996)


SECTION 1.  DUES shall be payable annually on or before July 1st, and the term of such dues shall coincide with the fiscal year and the term of office of the Officers of the Association.

SECTION 2.  DUES STRUCTURE.  The annual dues shall be considered by the Board of Directors after studying the financial obligations of the Association and is authorized to change the dues structure on a 2/3 majority vote of the board.  (2000)

SECTION 3.  REGISTRATION FEES. The Board of Directors is authorized to charge a registration fee for the workshops, annual or special conference when in its judgment such a fee is necessary to cover the cost of the conference and MASBO expenses.  (1996) (2012)

Roberts "Rules of Order" may be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the Bylaws.

              Any amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted by two-thirds vote of the active members present
              at an annual or special meeting, provided that written notice shall have been given to the members at
              least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.  Such amendments shall be submitted through the Executive
              Director by January 15. (1987) (2012)



2047 N Last Chance Gulch #437 | Helena, MT 59601
2024 Montana Association of School Business Officials | All Rights Reserved.